RE: Action plan to face the emergency from SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19)
Reference to government’s instructions issued on 08/03/2020
Dear Customer,
With reference to the health emergency created by the spreading of Coronavirus, Alutecnos has reacted with extraordinary activities that since the first hours have introduced defense workings in order to contain the diffusion and assure production continuity.
The task force made up of Alutecnos board and experts has released instructions and orders for the company’s employees as well as all the visitors that will be visiting our plants for any urgent activities.
Alutecnos does not depend on the supply of goods or materials coming from foreign countries, while as far as the Italian supply chain is concerned, we do not detect any obstacles or difficulties in the supply.
Recent governmental directives and regional ordinances do not prevent any movement of our employees and goods, therefore all our plants maintain the scheduled production plans and are fully operative for collections and deliveries.
We will inform you promptly about any updates coming from the evolution of this emergency situation, and we assure you of all our support to prevent and solve any arising critical issues.
Best Regards
Stefano Betto
To all our Costumers
Dear All,
We refer to current sanitary situation of some areas in Northern Italy, which you have certainly heard of from last weekend’s press reports.
Today the General Management of Alutecnos has created a task force that is involving Human Resources, the responsible people for the Protection and Prevention Service, as well as the occupational doctors in charge of our company.
This crisis unit is 24h active to safeguard and adjust preventive and protective measures in line with the indications coming from national sanitary authorities, and with the purpose to apply the best practice in a diffused way within our company organization by constantly following its evolution.
These further new surveillance measures have been applied by Alutecnos since Friday, 21st of February 2020, and are compliant with the indications given by the sanitary and governmental authorities; they allow us to protect the health of our coworkers, customers and partners in the best way, as well as to guarantee the production continuity of goods and services to the benefit of our customers.
The mapping of the people that constitute our company’s manpower has not identified any coworkers coming from areas where the presence of the virus has been verified, neither any cases of its presence, or suspicion of its presence.
Moreover, Alutecnos has activated control measures for those who will access the company’s sites.
With the initiatives we have been informing you about we are trying to give our whole contribution to every counter-action opposing the contagion and the virus’ diffusion.
At the current status there are no signs of situations that can negatively affect a serene production continuity, and we are confident that we are able to realize the best possible protection for the health of the people that get into contact with Alutecnos (external or internal collaborators, customers, ecc.).
In line with the indications we receive from the surveillance authorities, the direct contacts can also be carried out through electronic and computer means, or be conveniently calendared.
Our front desk (tel. no. +39 0429783355) will take care to get you in contact with our task force for any questions related to this topic, while for all ordinary relationships your usual contacts at Alutecnos will of course be available for you.
For any developed event or situation, we will not fail to inform you promptly about any changes of the situation we have here depicted.
Best Regards
Stefano Betto
Dear customer, we are pleased to welcome you to our new e-commerce, with new graphics and updated contents. We have tried to create a comfortable and simple to use space, to help you buy your favorite brand with more flexibility, without having to respect the shop hours.
In the “products” section, therefore, you will find the list of reels, fishing rods and accessories that you can add to your cart in the quantity you prefer.
However, we’have done more than that.
We have created the “Customize your reel” section where you will find a configurator that will allow you to change the colors and add your logo on the reels, all automatically and quickly, from the comfort of your home.
We hope you enjoy these new features, otherwise our customer service is available for any doubt or information. Good navigation!
The Alutecnos Staff